I Thought I Was Looking Cute Until…..
Have you ever had one of those days where everywhere you go people are staring at you and instantly you think, 'either I have a moco dangling from my nose or I look good!' Well that was me yesterday afternoon and I hate to sound vain but I chose to believe it was the latter. lol That is until I went to the restroom...
Note to self: next time you think you're having a great hair day, got a cute new outfit and or shoes, or the dreaded snotty nose...CHECK YOUR FLY! No kidding, I went to the bathroom and discovered exactly why peeps couldn't keep their eyes off me. lol Nothing like a broken zipper to put your ego in check! FYI, ladies just like 'bro code' I think there should be a 'girl code,' as in next time you see this girl with her zipper down, let me know, geez!