Food Is Medicine Seminar This Saturday-Check Out The Info Here
This Saturday, August the 12th there will be a wellness event that many of us should look into and take interest in if we have loved ones or we ourselves have any type of illness or ailment. Food is Medicine:A Wellness Event Introducing Plant-Based Nutrition will take place at the Wagner Noel from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cost is only $25 per person, lunch will be provided and registration begins at 7:45 a.m.
Imagine if someone told you that you had the potential to improve yours or a loved ones quality of life or possibly add years to your life just by eating a plant-based diet? You will hear actual testimonials from patients whose lives were changed by doing so. Find out how a plant-based diet can prevent and reverse chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, odiabetes, cancer and more.
If you have loved ones with such diseases, you want to do everything in your power to see them get well and live a long fulfilling life. Or if the person with the disease is you, you owe it to yourself and loved ones to find out more info on this topic. Tickets for the event may be purchased at the Wagner Noel Box Office.