If one of your "New Year's Resolutions" is to lose weight but you're still having trouble getting out of the drive thru lane, this list might be helpful.
Recently David Beckham revealed that his wife Victoria eats the exact same thing every single day and suddenly it makes perfect sense. She is so thin and has been since her Spice Girls days!
Why am I like this? I just discovered something about myself that I don't think I ever knew before. I can diet all day long, all year long, forever and ever amen but I just realized there are certain foods that will make my diet go out the window!
It's a Texas thang and if you're not from 'round here you wouldn't understand! lol We love our tea here in Texas and sweet tea is life! Unless you're like me and trying to be real careful with them calories tho. Check out my latest obsession....
This Saturday, August the 12th there will be a wellness event that many of us should look into and take interest in if we have loved ones or we ourselves have any type of illness or ailment. Food is Medicine:A Wellness Event Introducing Plant-Based Nutrition will take place at the Wagner Noel from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The cost is only $25 per person, lunch will be provided and registration begin
I am a huge fan of Diet Dr.Pepper. It is the only diet drink that I like, so if it is available, it is usually what I order at restaurants. Well, cut to me finding out this is a thing! Diet Dr. Pepper with cherry? SOLD! lol The only problem I'm running into....