Sneaky! Next Time You Eat Out See If You Are Charged For These 3 Things
I came across a Wall Street Journal article recently that talked about inflation and how the prices of dang near everything are going up due to inflation. No big surprise to anyone, we have been seeing it with our own eyes as of late. It is especially tough for small businesses right now, specifically restaurants. The pandemic 2 years ago really threw things off course, with supply-chain shortages and now staffing issues.
What does this mean for us? Extra charges are what it means, unfortunately. I get it 100. Either my favorite restaurant goes out of business, shuts down, has very limited hours of operation, or I pay extra for certain things. And let me tell you, boy have we paid extra. You might want to keep an eye on your check next time you eat out.
*a to-go cup-the waitstaff was sneaky about it too! When we first ordered our drinks, the waiter asked if we would like our drinks brought out in a 'to-go' cup. Sure! I typically like to take a tea for the road anyway. That will be a .50 cent surcharge, thank you have a nice day! I noticed when we received our check at the end of our meal.
*chips and salsa-we took this one for granted for far too long. We learned the other day not to expect unlimited chips and salsa anymore. Don't be surprised if from now on at your favorite Mexican food restaurant, chips and salsa are no longer free of charge. Who among us hasn't filled up on the chips and salsa before you even get your meal? It is not a bad idea to ask from now on, 'are these free?'
*a view of the water-this one was not in Midland-Odessa obviously but I kid you not, a 'view surcharge' was added to our ticket and it wasn't cheap! Nevermind, next time just give me a corner booth. Or is that the next thing? Will a table or booth be the difference of a buck or two? Nothing would surprise me anymore. Just a heads up next time you are near any body of water be it lake or ocean, if you have a nice view, change seats! lol
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