As someone who never carries cash, I have gotten used to just "swiping" my card when I make any purchases. Swipe, grab my items and go! So imagine me now having recently lost my wallet on an out-of-town trip. It is unbelievable how we get used to just pulling out the credit card or some money and just go on about our business....

By the time I realized what I had done, it was too  late. We had been all over the place  and I never even noticed that I had obviously taken my wallet out of my purse  and left it somewhere without thinking. What a horrible feeling it is losing something that you use every single day! Now, here I am without all of the things that we carry with us in our wallets and I won't really know what all I'm missing until I need it. Talk about major bummed out. After having thought about how "things could have been worse," I realized, wait a minute, there was absolutely no money in that wallet at all whatsoever. I knew I never carried cash for a reason!

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