Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - So, been married for almost a year now, and the other day I asked my husband for his password to one of his accounts and he said "Um, no I don't plan on sharing ANY of my personal passwords. " I was like 'Couple share passwords". He said some passwords yes, others no! He feels there are some that should be his. What the heck does that mean? Don't all couples SHARE all passwords??


Xavier Lamar Anders
He's absolutely correct! Men cannot share all of their personal passwords it will end an a disaster! I've done it and my lady cleaned out that account. It's nothing against the wife just some things just can't be shared. Sorry not sorry!
· Reply · · 29m

Top Fan
Sammy Castaneda
Your gut tells you everything you need to know.
· Reply · · 27m
Gary Enriquez
She can have all passwords except my social media passwords. Lol
· Reply · · 26m
Helle Young
If I die my phone and computer become bricks.
· Reply · · 27m
Jamie Xavier Nuñez
Ladies are like the fbi they know one password can unlock all his 🐂💩
· Reply · · 30m
Ricky Barrientes
You getting scammed. 100% hiding something. Don't have kids, don't pass go, don't collect $200. Get a divorce now.
· Reply · · 28m
Ricky Barrientes
If someone got my phone or passwords they would be sad. All they would see is pics of my kids, me fishing and memes. No nudes or anything and I'm single.
· Reply · · 20m
Myra Valverde
It’s 100/100 he has all mine and I have all his it’s not because there’s no trust that’s how it should be just because I have his stuff don’t mean I’m sit there and go trough all his shit nope what’s mine is his and what’s his is mine his business is m… See More
· Reply · · 21m
Jenn E Carrillo
Meh. I feel like they’re on a need to know basis. Like, “hey babe acorns won’t let me mess with my stocks. Can I log into your stash acct and put money in the GameStop stock??” Idk that might just be us though.

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