Mass Vaccination Workers And Volunteers To Be Treated To Free Lunch
Recently a mass vaccination clinic took place at Ratliff Stadium in which employees from Medical Center Hospital worked tirelessly to see to it that all who wanted to be vaccinated could be. For anyone who wanted to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, these front line workers and volunteers were at Ratliff for days on end, hours at a time, in the snow, in freezing temperatures and even windy weather. They did an excellent job of taking care of their community and now the community wishes to honor them with free lunch.
According to, Oncor and the Odessa Rotary Club will be providing a free lunch to these fine folks later this week. On Wednesday, March 17th, free lunch will be provided for all volunteers and workers who were a part of the mass vaccination drive-thru clinics at Ratliff. Lunch will be provided in the parking lot of the Central Fire Station, 1100 W. 2nd st. from 11 am to 1 pm.
Medical Center Health System shared on their Facebook page that over the course of six weeks, and because of the vaccination drive-thru clinics that took place, over 55,000 doses of the COVID 19 vaccine had been administered to many in the Permian who wanted the vaccine. It is because of the hero workers and volunteers that this took place and went so smoothly. If you know of someone who assisted with the vaccination clinics, feel free to pass the word along to them so they can be treated to a free lunch.
IN PHOTOS: American Life in 2020