So I spent some time with a good friend over the weekend who informed me that she has started Christmas shopping. Wait, what? On the outside I'm saying, 'cool, good for you!' On the inside, I'm thinking, 'is this girl for real?' lol

She apparently likes to get a 'head start' on things. Mind you, as of today, there are 107 shopping days until Christmas. I've got plenty of time to make my list and check it twice. Am I the weird one? Is there a secret 'start-Christmas-shopping-in-September' club that I don't know about? If that's the case, I want in! Otherwise, the only thing on my mind right now is what my kids want to be for Halloween! Not only that, I'm still recovering from back to school shopping, geez the last thing I want to do is go out and buy grandma some houseshoes for Christmas. How early do you start shopping for the holidays?

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