Raise your hand if you are a parent and experience something new everyday with your kiddos. My hand is raised, trust. All parents do and sometimes you can't help but just shake your head and go what the....?

Today, I decided to do the thing we all dread with our children, be real, we very much dislike cleaning our kids rooms, no matter what age. Started with my teenager's room and was feeling pretty good that it was actually not a total wreck, that is until I looked under the bed....other than the typical socks, baseballs, wrappers and pens or pencils I discovered a GIANT chocolate bar broken into little pieces all over the floor.

As if it wasn't enough that there is chocolate under the bed chillin' like it belonged there, a giant candy bar to boot? Where do you even get one that big? After grilling my son, I was quickly reminded that it was a 'prize' for the fundraising he did for a class earlier this year. Oh duh, much like the 1 lb. bag of gummy bears he won last year and never ate, gotcha! (who comes up with this stuff by the way?)

So, after the candy-bars-do-not-belong-under-the-bed-or-soon-you-will-have-a-family-of rodents-living-in-your-room-with-you-lecture all I could do was chalk it up as a boy thing, or a kid thing, not sure which? You must share, from one parent to another, what is the craziest thing you have found under your kids bed or in their room?

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