New School Restrictions This Year
I'm not going to lie, I am a little bummed out about some school rules this year. I get it, times are weird, crazy right now but it still doesn't keep me from being sad for my kids as I'm sure many parents are. My children have the option to do remote learning or in school, mine are excited to see their friends again and get back to school, so we are doing just that.
However, I found out that on the 1st day I cannot walk my baby girl into school, she will be doing it alone this year. Not a big deal, but it is a tradition for us. Also, there will be no eating lunch with my littles. Something that we all know they love! No outsiders allowed in the building during this pandemic. I get it, it is for their own safety and protection, no complaints here but I'm a bit of a sad momma. What are you not able to do at your kid's school this year that you have always done in years past?
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