
Mom, I Get It Now…
Mom, I Get It Now…
Mom, I Get It Now…
This Sunday is Mother's Day and if there was one thing I could say to my mother right now it would be....'I get it.' Think about it, growing up, mom's were so not cool. All mom did was bug us, get on to us and lecture us for what seemed like everything! But now as a mom of 3, I think to myself wow, now I know why mom was on my case, (cliche statement coming) she only wanted the best for me... Read
New School Restrictions This Year
New School Restrictions This Year
New School Restrictions This Year
I'm not going to lie, I am a little bummed out about some school rules this year. I get it, times are weird, crazy right now but it still doesn't keep me from being sad for my kids as I'm sure many parents are. My children have the option to do remote learning or in school, mine are excited to see their friends again and get back to school, so we are doing just that.
Five Things To Know About Kids
Five Things To Know About Kids
Five Things To Know About Kids
Since being on lockdown 24/7 with my family, I'm reminded of certain things kids do. Not babies, not toddlers, children who are old enough to know better. If you are not yet a parent, maybe these are things you will be happy to know before you start a family of your own.