Midland/Odessa What Age Is A Good Age For Kids To Have A Phone?
I am a mother of 3, I've got quite a bit of mom knowledge under my belt but I still do not vow to know everything. I mean, almost but not quite. (I kid, I kid) I have a group of fellow mothers and my kiddos friend's moms whom I reach out to for advice and vice versa. It is extremely important to have a good circle of friends you can reach out to for a little help from time to time. Trust me when I say I do.
So my friend 'Ashley' recently asked if 4th grade is too young for a child to have a phone? As a mom to a little one around the same age, I absolutely followed the comments for this one. Here are a few answers she received in the thread:
- Tricia said middle school is a good age
- Holly says once a child hits their teen years, so 13
- Krista said her 2nd grader has a phone for safety reasons but knows not to use it otherwise
- Jessica said 5th grade is a good age
- Tara said hold out as long as possible so children will not be exposed to the internet super early
- another mom said that when a child is old enough to pay for their own phone, that is when they are allowed to have one in her home
All respectable, valid reasons and I will say that in our household, it is 7th grade when our children begin to play school sports and need a phone to call for a ride that they are able to have a cell phone.
Perhaps this is a question you have been mulling over in your household? These are merely, (hopefully) helpful suggestions.