Its Here! Yes!!!! FOOTBALL IS BACK! O.K. I'll stop yelling. But, the excitement is shared by all NFL fans. Wednesday night the Cowboys take on the Giants to kickoff the NFL season. And while there are tons of ladies who love football (my kind of ladies), there are those that will leave it for their men. So, to you ladies who do not wish to partake in the upcoming NFL season, here are some tips for you in dealing with the season. 

  • Not just Sundays. Know that this season the NFL kicks off on a Wednesday night and that Sunday is not the only day of the week that the NFL is on the tube. There are also games on Monday, Thursday and Saturday this upcoming season. Prepare yourselves accordingly.
  • TIVO is not an Option. Okay we know it's the age of the DVR and Tivo and we can record everything, but honestly there is no guy who wants to tape the game and watch it hours after his buddies have. So don't ask him if he can tape it so he can take you to the mall on a Sunday. Inside, he really doesn't want to.
  • No Chores on Sunday. Work him all you want on Saturday but please leave Sunday after 11am chore free. Early Sunday chores are cool, but after 11am he probably wont be good till 10pm that night.
  • You Can Watch BUT No Silly Questions. So what are silly questions? Why do the ref where black and white? How c0me a safety is only 2 points? Why do they always run up the middle?
  • More SHOPPING Time For You. The best way to look at the upcoming NFL season if your not going to partake in watching with your man, is looking it as Extra Shopping time with the girls. Take advantage of it.



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