I Wish Every Restaurant Had This Option To Pick Up Food
This is the kind of positivity I need in my life right here. I recently discovered a particular restaurant that many always talked about that rhymes with schmipotle. I had literally never set foot inside of one until recently and I am hooked! That is right up my alley.
So I went back recently for only the second time in my life and I swear I am learning something knew everytime I go, including what you see in the photo. Other than pizza, I've never had any kind of food delivered to my house and to be honest, I haven't done that in ages. I think Ive watched entirely too many videos where food delivery persons either eat some of your food or spit in it. Not.taking.chances.
So cut to me noticing people coming in and walking out within 5 minutes and this restaurant and thinking, 'did they all change their minds? Are they not getting waited on?' I was clueless until I noticed these shelves with papers sacks on them with receipts. Then it hit me, OMG much more convenient can food pick up be?
I've been to restaurants that have a designated 'food pick up area' but you still have to speak to a person, pay and then possibly have a short wait for your food. For unsociable peeps like me, this is everything! More restaurants need this little pick up area. I'm in, I'm out and I get on about my day. In case you were not aware this was an option at this particular restaurant, you're welcome.