As many of you may already know, “Deez Nutz” is running for president this year.


Which I think is a little redundant because obviously, Hilary and Trump are both already nuts to begin with. Personally, my vote is still with Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite.


He has dynamite hair, a moustache, and his vice president has some sic dance moves. Pedro runs a good clean race and doesn’t focus on slinging mud at the competition and he has his two cousins who can enforce his rule with an iron fist.


Napoleon obviously supports the full figured lady and is all about that bass bout that bass no treble and has proven to be bout that life as shown when he made it clear that ole girl didn’t have to drink 2% milk and encouraged she drink whole mild instead.


Pedro himself I’ve heard can get like 3 feet of air on a 10 speed which shows that he is obviously the only candidate qualified to run this beautiful country. PEDRO/DYNAMITE 2016!!!! WHO’S WITH ME?!?!?!?



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