A Word Of Advice If Your Kid Wants A Pet….
So I've recently become a dog owner. After many years of saying no to my kiddos who have wanted one forever, we have a doggy. I love dogs, had them when I was little and have nothing against them but my reason for saying no to a dog for as long as I can remember, is VALID!
I always said if I ever got my children a dog, they would love it and take care of it and be excited about it for a very.short.time. I was right! Another case of mom is always right. lol Don't get me wrong, we love love love him but the kids are already over taking care of our pup. I knew it! Dogs are a huge responsibility and deserve a lot of love and attention.
They are 'tired' of taking him for walks and cleaning up after him' and trust, we haven't had him that long. He will continue to be very well taken of, I guarantee that, but a bit of advice, please please please think long and hard before giving into your little ones pet desires!
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