Ok, so school is back in full swing! For the kids its worrying about getting to classes on time, keeping up with homework, juggling afterschool activities and most importantly...getting good grades. Little do our kids know, parents have to adjust as well....

If you are a parent , like myself, you know exactly what I'm talking about. There's football practices, soccer games, dance lessons, Girl Scouts and everything in between. But, we manage, well almost...cut to me last Friday knowing full well that it was an "early release day" at my 5 yr old's school due to the Labor Day holiday. I knew it all week, everyday I remembered, until THAT day....(insert dramatic music here) I get the "dreaded call" from his teacher, "Rebecca, did you remember that your son got out of school early today?" Umm, obviously not, you're calling me aren't you? (I didn't say that to the teacher, I take full responsibility.) Holy crap! That moment when your legs feel like jello, your heart races and you spring into action! Every kid has been picked up, but mine. Great. I'm the worst mother E-V-E-R! I handled the situation, thanks to a family member, but imagine the lecture I got, yes, from my 5 yr old, and what I'm still doing to make up for my mistake. I've been assured since then, that we have all "been there, done that" and at least he is okay. I did however hire an assistant and a nanny that same day to help keep up with the chaos......just kidding!

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