My Ex Bought My Lunch While I Was Out With The Girls – Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - My EX BOUGHT my lunch while out with the girls! He only bought mine. I did spot him in the restaurant but didn't talk to him. BUT now the dilemnna. SHOULD I TELL MY MAN? My girlfriends say YOUR CRAZY IF YOU DO? Leave it alone?
Billy Valdez
I would tell your man , so hopefully he dumps you and then you’ll have another ex. ♂️
Orlando N Patricia Hinds
Take it as a gesture of appreciation of the time he had with you. Don't weaponize the moment to sling at the guy who NOW does more than the last guy.
Jenn E Carrillo
Tell him, you can both laugh at the fact that your ex saved him the cost of feeding you.
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Chon Rodriguez
Why hide the fact that someone you didn’t talk to and don’t talk to (I hope) bought you something. You can’t control anyone’s actions. If your BF gets upset and mad that’s on him you did nothing wrong. But that the problem with most people in relations… See More
Myra Valverde
Just tell your dude honesty is big there nothing to hide can’t Control other people’s actions!! If it was me yes I would tell my hubby I don’t ever keep anything from him !! Trust and honesty is big !
Vivian Saldana Cruz
Honesty is always best in the relationship. Tell him the truth if he gets upset it's not your fault and he needs to work on his insecurities.
Jonjon Djtiny Baeza
As long as your not giving him dessert don't worry about it
Crystal Diaz
Well leave it alone isn’t an option now but I’d tell my man ♀️ that’s me
Rebecca Hernández
I wouldn't say anything especially if it was a stranger paying I guess you still have feelings for him if you still can't get over it. Besides he was just showing off since you were with your girls.
Maria Ruiz Prieto
leave it alone!
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Dee Dominguez
Either way it’s going to go bad
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