Is ‘WUD’ Flirting? My Man’s Female Co-Worker Sent Him That Text
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - Guys, my man got a 'WUD' from a female co-worker. I don't how to feel about it. Why is she asking him 'What Are You Doing?". Is 'WUD' flirting?
Here's what the 432 had to say on our Facebook....
Lucky it wasn't my wife. She'd just burn the building down...with the both of us in it. 

If it was after work I would most definitely question it. I do not think you need to speak with opposite sex after work hours , unless your on call or something.
It would be worst if she put WAP ha
I’m sorry but do they need to communicate outside of work? Like what kind of Job is it? Why would she have his number in the first place?
Yes. Don't call, txt, or email my man after work. Unless it's an emergency. In that case you wouldn't txt WUD 

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