Immortal Lab In Midland Performs Non-Surgical Procedures
It's about that time to get beach bod ready, or at least summer fun at the pool ready! I am super excited to share with you an awesome place in Midland that performs non-surgical procedures with state of the art equipment. Not everyone is a fan of invasive surgery and that is perfectly ok. That is what Immortal Lab is for! Owner Tony Suchil has a new location for his new practice. Immortal Lab is in their new location at 203 Wall St. #514. (right about Pi Social) Let me tell you a little bit about what they offer...
Immortal Lab is the first in this area to successfully perform non-surgical breast lifts and breast enlargements. They can also reduce 'pinchable fat' in the stomach, thighs, arms, bra line, back and chest. Ladies, you know those areas that you feel working out like a fiend and dieting faithfully just won't help. They can be reduced up to 31% with Lipolaser. It is a 25 minute treatment that kills the (subcutaneous) fat cells in less than half the time of CoolSculpting.
What if I told you you could achieve results to your bum that is the equivalent of 1500 squats? With the non-surgical Brazilian Butt LIft, that is exactly what can happen for you!
Immortal Lab is also known for the $99 non-surgical lip fill, micro-needling, laser hair removal and find out what The Immortal BB Glow is all about?
Find Immortal Lab on Facebook and Instagram, they post photos and videos of their procedures regularly. You can also call (432)934-1496 to schedule an appointment or consultation.
GRAND OPENING will be held on Saturday, April the 10th, more details coming soon....
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