How to See This Week’s Stunning Hunter’s Moon in Texas!
If you love full moons, the next one will be visible this week. Since my kids were babies, we always gathered outside to sit and stare at the full moon. There is something about sitting outside cuddled together sharing that quiet family time.
Plus, what a perfect treat to have during the spooky season!
According to CBS News, The Hunter's Moon was originally named centuries ago for the full moon after the autumnal equinox. Rising with it is the September Harvest Moon, which prompts the acceleration of hunting season.
The Native Americans know this moon by many other names. They referenced this moon event as the Blood Moon, Travel Moon, or Dying Grass Moon.
But wait, there's more! This upcoming full moon will also be a supermoon. What is a supermoon you ask? This occurs when the moon is closest to the Earth, it will appear larger and brighter. A full moon is considered a supermoon when the distance is from 226,000 miles and 251,000 miles from Earth.
You will be able to view this supermoon on Thursday, October 17th. The moon will be at its peak brightness at 6:26 am on the 17th. If you can't catch this time, don't panic! The moon will appear full and be visible Tuesday, October 12th until the morning of Friday, October 18th.
Even though there is one more supermoon left in the year, this one will be the biggest and brightest of its kind in 2024! Whether you will enjoy it solo or with family, make sure not to miss it!
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Gallery Credit: Piggie , Canva