Being in radio, I use my phone ALL the time! Between remotes, posting things to Facebook and all the texts I get, my phone's battery drains fast and I'm always looking for a charger!

I chatted with our web guy and he actually had some tips I hadn't heard of that could save a few percent battery life on your phone. Check it out!

1. Shorten the Timeout Setting

This is how long your screen stays lit if you don't touch it. Most Android phones have a minimum of 15 seconds so set it to that and you'll save some juice that way.

2. Turn Bluetooth Off

If you're away from the 432 and listening to us on the RadioPup, having bluetooth in your car can help, but when you're shopping or just hanging out, Bluetooth is a serious battery drainer so turn it off when you're not in a place you're likely to use it.

3. Turn Off Wi-Fi

As we all know, not using Wi-Fi can have you going through your data plan faster than anything, but if you're not near a wi-fi location, it's best to turn it off because it's secretly always searching for a connection and that can drain your battery too. GPS is a big one too so unless you need it, turn it off.

4. Don't Use Vibrate

Between Facebook, e-mails, texts and calls, your phone is probably dinging all the time, but if you're wanting to save your battery, do NOT put your phone on vibrate. That actually uses up more of your battery than having it ring. If you don't want to be bothered, turn off all notifications and just have your phone near you in case the boss wants to get a hold of you.

5. Dim the brightness on your phone

The newest phones have awesome displays and seeing your friends pics are cool, but having your screen at full brightness really drains your battery too. If you dim the brightness to where you can still read it, you'll save yourself some trouble trying to find a charger.

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