So, after hearing about Christina Aguilera's engagement to some guy we've never even heard of with I'm guessing, alot less money than she has, (let's be real) I'm thinking that is the trend these days, in Hollywood of course. For rich, beautiful, powerful female celebrities to date or marry unknown, or less known men with, let's face it, no money. Is it a "power thing?' Is it an "I-need-to-be-in-the-spotlight-and-not-you-thing," or maybe I'm the breadwinner so you answer to me thing? Think about it, in tabloids or on the internet you always see woman out front, man in the background admiring her. The camera's are always flashing for the celeb and forget what's his name, he goes unnoticed. Whatever the case, I've decided to make a list of couples who meet this criteria to show you exactly what I'm talking about:

1)Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon-really Mariah?

2)Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smartt-enough said

3)Christina Aguilera and Matt Rutler-who?

4)Britney Spears and any man she's ever dated/married

5)Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries-we know how that played out

And quite honestly, the list could go on and on. I don't know about you ladies, but I'm not very interested in having to buy my own engagement ring, (Jessica Simpson) and have my man give it to me. Or better yet, write a check so he can go buy me something for my birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, cuz he's broke like a joke? No thank you.

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