Whose Fans Are Bad Sports-Texas Tech OR Texas Longhorns?
You guys wow! I went to my first ever (and last apparently since Longhorns will no longer play Tech) Tech vs. Texas game this past weekend and had a blast! The atmosphere, the crowd, the tailgating beforehand, the burnt orange all over the place, it was awesome! But I was quickly schooled about just how deep this rivalry runs and I am shook....
So apparently there is a major difference between Texas Tech and Texas Longhorn fans. I like both, I don't discriminate, so I had no clue? I sat next to a hardcore Longhorn fan and season ticket holder who let me know that if there were any Tech fans in the house, they were going to be nasty!
She went on to say that she had been to many a game at Jones Stadium in Lubbock and had been called every name in the book, threatened and birds flipped while she was there, for being a UT fan.
I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried after that. lol That is until I spoke to a friend who is Tech alumni and was at the same game as I was that day. He informed me that he had been spit on by a Longhorn fan and left the game shortly thereafter!
Whoa. I guess it comes from both sides. Am I wrong to think that this is probably the case for any sporting event when it comes to fans on opposing teams?
In this case though I want to know! Which team's fans are worse? Tech or Texas?