Recently I read an article about lies pregnant women tell. At first I didn't understand, like what could expectant mother's possibly have to lie about? It's an exciting time in our lives, life is good, feeling good, a new bundle of joy is on the way and things couldn't be better right? lol Apparently not.

Let me share the list of the top 5 lies and see if you agree or can add on:

LIE #1: I don't care if it's a boy or a girl-researchers say, the only reason women lie about this is because they don't want to sound selfish and definitely only want a healthy baby, but secretly have a preference.

LIE #2:Pregnancy is great!-no matter what any woman says, being pregnant can at times be hard. Not miserable, but there are good days and bad days for sure.

LIE #3:I love the gift you gave me!-We've all heard the saying 'it's the thought that counts.' But let's be real...there is such a thing as an outfit you would never dream of putting on your child or that thing you receive that you have no clue what it's for? Don't lie. lol

LIE #4:I quit smoking-Whoa! I can honestly say I've never lied about this. Never smoked and definitely not while pregnant. Not good for baby. Enough said.

LIE #5:I haven't decided on a name-LIAR! Researchers say baby names are something women think of years before they even begin to have children. You've tossed around names since the day you found out you were expecting.

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