What Did You Do To Induce Labor?
It's funny how now that people know I am getting closer to my due date, they start offering advice as to how to speed up the process 'if I'm ready.' lol In other words, if I want to induce labor myself apparently there are old wives tales that are said to work if I just give it a shot.
I've heard of a certain kind of tea that I can drink that can aid in the process. But the other day a good friend said that I can also drink castor oil. Castor oil? Is this something that also belongs in my car? I had never heard of it, so I looked it up! Turns out it is a vegetable oil, albeit one that doesn't taste very good, that is essentially a laxative that can cause cramps, blah, blah I will spare you the details....but my friend said it worked for her. (You might want to check out the side effects before trying this at home.)
So seeing as how there must be a million different ways that people have either tried or at least heard of, do tell...did something work for you or did your abuelita at least suggest something you could do to have your baby quicker?