Tom and Jerry Hitting the 432 at Big Sky Drive In and Cinergy This Weekend OR HBO Max At Home
So do you want to take the kiddos out for a movie this weekend? Well, here in the 432 there are several different movie theaters including the Big Sky Drive-in Theater where you can watch the movie from the comfort of your car. This week's new release is Tom and Jerry the Movie. I don't care how old you are, who doesn't know Tom and Jerry? Who didn't watch the classic Tom and Jerry cartoons growing up? We all did. The cool thing about Tom and Jerry, is that they are generational. My mom and dad watched them when they were a kid I watched it when I was a kid. My son watched it when he was a kid and so on and so on. Did you know that Tom and Jerry first came out in 1940? Yep 1940! Tom and Jerry have been around for 80 years! It's just one of the classic cartoons we have as a nation. And, the cool thing is that movies like Tom and Jerry 2021 introduce it to a whole new generation.
The basic concept of any Tom and Jerry is so simple. Tom chases Jerry and Jerry chases Tom. That's the premise of Tom and Jerry and we love watching them chase each other countless many ways. Supposedly, in the new movie that's releasing today Tom and Jerry actually team up to save the day. I think that's cool. But, something tells me they'll still be chasing each other in the movie as well. And, the cool thing about Tom and Jerry 2021 is that it's out in theaters today. You can catch it here in the 432 at Cinergy or Big Sky Drive-In and also on HBO Max. So, are you team Tom or team Jerry?
CHECK IT OUT: The Best Movie Character Names of the 1980s

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