Today is 'Oreo Cookie Day! Why not give an entire day to everyone's favorite sandwich cookie? Believe it or not, the Oreo has been around since 1912 and has become the best selling cookie in the United States.

I would have to say that 'Oreos' are my go-to cookie. If I'm in the mood for cookies (especially right now with my pregnancy cravings) to dunk in some milk, that's the first thing I grab at the store. In recent years, we have seen the introduction of all different types of Oreo cookies, like the Double Stuf Oreo, Mini Oreos, Oreo Cakesters. Or  the Oreo for certain occasions, Spring, Halloween (candy corn) Winter and right now Birthday Cake Oreos are on the shelf. There is no reason not to get your Oreo fix whenever you want it.

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