This Street Will Forever Haunt Me
So I grew up around the block from Elm St. No big deal right? Who cares, it's just another street in Andrews America you say? Not quite. You see, I grew up in the 80's and the very first scary movie I ever watched was, yep, you guessed it....
A Nightmare on Elm Street! Oh hell to the no! After watching that movie, I just knew that Freddy Krueger was my neighbor. I legit had dreams of him going down the alley with his finger blades looking for me. Or that he would drag me out of my room in a body bag like the chick in the movie! Some scary ish for a young girl isn't it? I'm pretty sure I asked my parents if we could move a couple of times growing up. What a wonderful childhood memory. lol I dare you not to have this stuck in your head the rest of the day...1,2 Freddy's coming for you, 3,4 better lock your door......
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