The New Way To Stay In Touch With Coworkers
Is this you right now? Are you social distancing, working from home and this has become your new norm? Zoom, Skype, Google Teams, whatever you use because of everything we are dealing with right now, this is how we are staying in touch....with coworkers for meetings, with teachers for schoolwork and family to check in but stay safe.
Video conferencing has always been around but we are using it more than ever right now and I for one am still trying to figure it out. lol I know my coworkers would kill me if I show us all in our 'laid-back state' but you can see me in the bottom right hand corner, no make-up, bed head and all logging in for my team meeting today! Tbh, for some of us, it may be the only adult interaction we have all day, so we look forward to it! lol #weareallteamplayers
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