Uncovering the Rich History of Texas Homecoming Mums
Homecoming season has started in Texas. Even if you don't keep up with local football, I'm sure it was evident by all the mums around. Homecoming tends to be a huge celebration in Texas and of course, we have to do it bigger and better than the rest.
My daughter is a freshman at Midland High School and recently came home with a mum. The mum flowers were the size of her head and were so heavy that she needed 10 large safety pins to pin it to her shirt. This made me laugh because although I graduated from Odessa High School in 08, I had the same problem. Considering the 16-year difference, I wondered how far back this Texas tradition went.

According to Texas Highways, mums were first created in Missouri in 1911. They were given as a token of affection celebrating the local football team returning home. The tradition made its way to Texas and became popular in the 1930's. Originally the mum was much smaller, it was a real chrysanthemum with a few ribbons but by the 1990s fresh flowers were replaced with artificial ones to preserve the mum for memories.
We wouldn't be Texas if we didn't hold the record for the largest mum! Lewisville High School has the record for the largest mum. They broke this record in October of 2023 with a 290.64 sqft maroon and white mum in honor of the school’s 125th anniversary. But even before this Texas still held the record with a a two-story silver and navy mum from Walnut Grove High School in Prosper.
Every other state probably gets tired of hearing it, but I know every Texan doesn't. EVERYTHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS!
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