If you are new to the area or are just working in the Permian Basin temporarily, welcome. We hope you enjoy your time with us! And no I do not work part-time for the Chamber of Commerce. lol I simply wish to enlighten you with some fun facts about our city. Let's start with Odessa:
I came across a website that has some Thanksgiving fun facts that I never knew and I am shooketh! According to bestlife.com, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade had live animals instead of balloons and more things you probably never knew about turkey day!
Wanting to learn more about where you are living is natural. And with a lot of people coming to Midland and Odessa, thanks to the oilfield, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share some fun facts, about each of the locations, I have learned since arriving.
Let's have some fun with today's blog! Being on the radio, our listeners get to know a little bit about us, based on what we choose to divulge on air. But, do you REALLY know us? Here are a few fun things we have been asked over the years that I thought I would share and answer:
Where my 'lefthanders' at? lol Today is International Lefthanders Day! Do you have any lefthanders in your life? Two people whom I am close to pop in my head, my niece Whitnee and a dear family friend whom we affectionately call Tia Jane.
I love reading about silly fun facts. Some are outrageous to the point that you think, that can't be true! Or can it? Either way, you claim to do the studies, this girl is reading about it, believing every word. lol So here you go, I will share.....did you know: