Dating in West Texas is hard. Oilfield runs deep in the area and that complicates things.

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If you are from the area, you have heard the common phrase "West Texas single". This means when a person comes to work out in the oilfields of West Texas, they are single, even though they have a spouse and kids back home.

This creates chaos in the dating scene for all the locals. I can't tell you how many times I have heard a story of people finding out their partner of years has had a spouse back home the whole while.

Well if you want to get revenge on that ex without hurting anyone else in the process, I got you!


Is your ex scum? Are they lower than dirt? Are they pests that will never go away? You can now name a roach after them. I know you have thought once or twice you wish you could squish your ex but what about watching an animal eat them?

The San Antonio Zoo will let you name a cockroach after anyone you want and then show that roach being eaten by one of their zoo animals. When you pay for the service, you are helping with wildlife conservation, that's a win-win!

The best part is the Zoo will send you a downloadable Valentine's Day Card and a special video with one of their adorable zoo animals. You can watch live on Valentine's Day by going to their socials @SanAntonioZoo.

The only catch is you must be 18 years or older to participate.


You can donate $10 for the cockroach, but if that isn't satisfying enough, get a rodent for $25. If you are balling on a budget, they also have a veggie option for $5.

Here is a sample of what your ex-named snack will experience in February!


20 Fascinating Photos Of Zoo Animals Getting Weighed and Measured

The annual weigh-in at the U.K.'s largest zoo allows zookeepers and veterinarians to record vital statistics and track the health and wellbeing of its more than 10,000 animals.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

Amarillo Zoo Animals Enjoying the Winter in the Texas Panhandle

The Amarillo Zoo is full of amazing animals and yes, they are still here and on display in the winter. However, the zoo takes steps to keep them safe and warm in the cold.

Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford

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