Arctic blasts have hit the Permian Basin, sending us into winter survival mode. The worst part of starting a cold day is getting into a freezing car. 

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Most likely if you are a millennial, your parents told you to warm up your car before you drove it. Back in the 1900's this was important for your vehicle. If you didn't let your car run before you drove it your engine could potentially stall.

For most of my life during cold weather, I would always run outside about 10 minutes before I had to leave and start my car. I even remember stepping on the gas slightly while the car was in park so it could warm up faster but that is a thing of the past.


According to AAA, most cars only need about the time it takes to put on your seat belt. Your vehicle needs enough time for the lubricating oil to get to the engine's important parts.

To get your car to warm up faster, drive at your normal speed without pushing the gas hard. This will also cut down wear, lower exhaust emissions and save gas.


It is totally understandable to want to get into a warm car. Now, while letting your car idle for a short time is ok, doing it for long periods might cause problems in the future. It will cause wear and tear to the engine.

Most modern cars warm up pretty quickly, so a few minutes should be enough time to let your heated seats warm up.

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Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

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