The question has been asked many a time. Who does cheat more men or women? Rebecca recently blogged and said it was men. I probably suspect that most women are gonna say men. When you look at TV shows, movies and even in books the history of the cheating usually points towards the man. But, recently the tide has turned at least in the media, towards women being the ones to cheat. Just look at a repeat of Desperate Housewives or any Real Housewives reality show. Being a man and seeing a lot of guys do what they do I would probably say men cheat more, BUT, I think women cheat better. Men seem to  get busted all the time. Women may not cheat as much as men but they probably can do it better. It will be interesting to see what the answer is and what the results of the poll are.  Look for the answer in a follow up blog soon to come from Rebecca.

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