Watching my favorite talk show the other day they were discussing the topic, 'can you tell if someone doesn't like you?' I was all ears with this one because it reminded me of myself.

Think about it...if you don't like a person, be it at work, an acquaintance, friend of a friend or whatever the case, do you have a certain body language, or a 'look' that will let them know instantly to back off? I decided to ask around and see if my peeps think it's obvious when I don't like someone....

The answer without a doubt or hesitation was YES! Apparently I have a 'look' that tells people, 'I am not the one.' lol Honestly didn't realize it but if other people have noticed it, it's there. So what do you think? Can others tell if you're just not feelin' them or can you tell right away when someone doesn't care for you just by their vibe?

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