This is what happens when you have friends like mine and they get their grubby little mitts on your gamer account. Granted my character in GTA has always looked a bit strange but THIS MEANS WAR! I mean granted the pants are pretty legit but my hair is freakin' hot pink while my boots are obviously salmon. This just will not stand. Never mind the fact that he put make up on me and shaved a lightening bolt into my chest hair.


$400,000 later I finally got my character and my car back to normal and I just wanted to send a message to you The Walking Dan. Talk to the birdie!

Now I know what you guys are thinking. This is "back to normal?" Yes. I was going for the whole "Perverted Willy Wonka" kind of look. Personally, I think I nailed it. Willy Wanker if you will.


Seriously Dan, this one is for you buddy.



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