If there's is one thing I can not do is CARVE A PUMPKIN! It's Halloween and for the life of me don't get me trying to carve something out of a pumpkin.   Don't get me wrong I've tried. My kid is now 13 but I remember many a Halloween when he wanted his dad to carve something cool out of a pumpkin. For some reason no matter how hard I tried my pumpkin always looked like it was attacked by ravage rats. Here's the thing; if I tried to do a happy pumpkin he looked like a creeper. And, if I tried to make it look SCARY it ended up looking like it was sad. Nope, was never good a doing the carving thing. Now a days they have the STICK EM decorations that all you have to do is peel them off and stick them to a pumpkin. My kind of carving!

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