Do You Know Where The 31 Jackrabbit Statues Are Located In Odessa?
If you are new to the Permian Basin, you may not know about a few visitors, or should I say residents we have around town. My kids and I like playing a little game while driving the streets of Odessa to see who can spot the jackrabbits! It's true, there are 31, bright and colorful jackrabbit statues throughout the city of Odessa. It is our own little tourist attraction.
If you would like to visit each of the 31 uniquely painted jackrabbits with your kids or family, Discover Odessa has announced their 'Jackrabbit Jamboree.' Get in on the fun by first downloading the Jackrabbit Jamboree pass. You can then begin this scavenger hunt and visit as many of the jackrabbit statues around Odessa that you would like.
According to the Discover Odessa website, the pass that you downloaded will be delivered to your cell via text or email and will be ready to use. You must check in at at least 16 of the 31 jackrabbit sites if you would like to claim a prize. Once you check in and record each of your visits on you pass, you can then visit the Odessa Chamber of Commerce office, 700 N Grant Ave. #200, during regular business hours to claim a fun prize for participating!
For a complete list of exactly where all of the jackrabbits are located in Odessa and a photo of what they look like before you get in on the scavenger hunt fun, visit this website.
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