Big Brother 14 ends this Wednesday night and I've been hooked all summer long. It's been a fun season; a season I would call the 'Evil Dan' season. So it comes down to Ian, Dan and Danielle. If you've been following the season then you know Dan has become evil this season and pretty much back-stabbed everybody in the house with or without his trust. He started as a coach but then when given the chance to jump in the game; of course he did. He pretty much has taken Danielle, his player when he was a coach, all the way to the finals. Let's be real; she would have no chance without Dan in this game. As for Ian, this 'kid' as they call him as earned his way to the finals. I mean c'mon he single handedly took out Boogie! I hope Ian wins the whole thing. He's been watching the show since he was 10 and has played an awesome game. Dan has probably played the best game ever, but he won season 10 and I would lean for Ian at this point. The finale happens Wednesday at 8:30pm on CBS7. 

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