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The long Labor Day weekend is approaching. The celebration recognizing the American worker. So, who wants to spend their day in the kitchen baking desserts? I’m not one to volunteer for that any day of the year, and if I’m being honest, my family wouldn’t nominate me for that position either. Unless it is to prepare one of these treats, that require no baking.  Then they would gladly all me the time to in the kitchen to combine the ingredients and place in the fridge.  A task even I can manage without anyone getting hurt.

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That’s why I am here to pass my very limited cooking expertise along to you. Opening up more quality time for you to enjoy your family and friends, and to enjoy your holiday weekend. Let’s get started then, shall we? Here are 5 recipes that I hope some of you can enjoy this holiday weekend.

#5 Fruit Pizza:

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This is really just a different way to display a “fruit tray” on your table a different way.

Ingredients: Blueberries, Strawberries and whipped cream.

Directions: Line the tray with either aluminum foil or parchment paper. Then, I place a row (or two depending on the size of the strawberries, that have been cut horizontally). Then spray whipped cream.  I start from the top of my tray (which the tray I purchased was from the dollar store and looks like one from my elementary school.) and complete these steps all the way down to the bottom of my tray alternating red and white.  For the first two rows of strawberries and whipped cream I leave a 3x3 in the top left corner that I place whipped cream under and then place the blueberries on top of. See photo below (may be easier to follow) more so than my instructions.

#4 Fruit Kabobs


Who says all Kabobs have to have meat and veggies?
Ingredients: Blueberries, strawberries, marshmallows, skewers

Directions: Not sure directions are needed but just in case…Alternate strawberries, blueberries, marshmallows along skewer sticks and place completed sticks on plate.  Place plate, on table, and serve.

#3 Patriotic Yogurt Covered Strawberries:


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These take a bit more time because after completing you want to make sure to freeze them or at the very least put in the fridge (overnight) to make sure they harden a bit, to keep the sprinkles secured

Ingredients: Strawberries, Yogurt (Vanilla or Plain), Sprinkles

Directions: Dip ends of Sprinkles into the Vanilla or plain Yogurt, Add Sprinkles. Cover with Saran Wrap and place in freezer or in fridge (depending on preference/taste).  Take out 30 minutes before wanting to serve.
#2 No Bake Summer Berry Lasagna:


This one takes a bit longer but is definitely worth the time.

Ingredients: Strawberries, Cool Whip. Blueberries, Vanilla icing (not required)

Directions: Step One: Blend strawberries in blender (and place in freezer, until frozen) or start with frozen strawberries placing them in blender (you will use these immediately). Step Two: Blend blueberries in blender (and place in freezer, until frozen) or start with frozen blueberries placing them in the blender (you will use these immediately). NOTE: You will want to leave some blue berries and some strawberries (about 6 strawberries and 6-10 blueberries whole off to the side.

Take the strawberries (blended) and put a ½ layer on the bottom of a casserole dish.  Add a 1-inch layer of Cool Whip on Top.  Add a 1-inch layer of (blended) blue berries on top of Cool Whip.  Add another 1-inch layer of Cool Whip on top of Blue Berries. Place in Fridge until about 30 minutes prior to serving. Once you are ready to service, cut the whole strawberries and cut in half and sprinkle on top of lasagna. Add Blueberries to the top. Add icing to the top by drizzling on top (to taste).


#1 Patriotic parfaits:

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My favorite simply because anything in a Mason Jar is too cute! A little messier than the rest, but adorable.  And requiring Angel Food Cake.

Ingredients: Strawberries, Blueberries, Angel Food Cake, Cool Whip

Directions: Really no wrong way to make these.  Cut up angel food cake into squares. Cut up strawberries into halves (min.). Combine Angel Food Cake, Cool Whip, Strawberries, Blueberries into Mason Jars.  Once full, add A full strawberries on to the top. Chill and serve.

Notice the patriotic theme? Enjoy these treats for other holidays throughout the year.  Quick and easy, sweet treats.  Ready in 5-10 minutes.  You can make them with the kids. So simple even I can make them, and that says a lot! You can make one to take to a party or multiple and use them to help decorate the table at your celebration. However, you are enjoying them, be safe.

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