I'm sure many of us have been there, done that. You meet someone you are really starting to like, you chat on the phone, maybe email or even text. Then you decide to get together for that 'first date.'

You want to make a great impression but sometimes little things either one of you do may be a turn-off for the other. For example, more often than not, the man will pay for dinner but it's important for a woman to show her gratitude, (I'm not talking about in THAT way) a simple thank-you will suffice or even a text or call the next day to make sure he knows you enjoyed yourself and thank him once again for a great evening, just so he knows you didn't just 'expect' it. 

These days many people are far too obsessed with their celly's to pay enough attention to their date and either leave the ringer on so it's obvious when you get a call/text or worse you respond continuously throughout the date. Instant turn-off. In that case, you don't need me, you're already in a relationship with your IPhone! 

Don't trash-talk your ex! That relationship is hopefully over and done with and I could careless if she was a drama queen and cheated. Let's get to know each other because if you're obsessed with 'dissin' that person, it just means they're still on your mind. This recently happened to a girlfriend of mine, thus the blog...I had to tell her, 'girl, he's not OVER her.' Drop him quick! What are some mistakes a person can make on a first date that would be a deal breaker for you?

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