WCW Roll Call
Where all the WCW's at? Today is the day every week when us fellas throw out some love for the ladies in our lives or even the ladies we hope to one day have in our lives. Don't be shy. Make 'em feel as special as they make you feel.
This young lady is my forever WCW. You may know her already. She is none other than the one and the only Tawny the Rock Chick on KBAT. You may have seen her accepting my proposal last December at the Jackalopes game. (Which by the way, if you have never been to a game, do yourself favor and go. Hockey is a lot more entertaining live. Trust me.) Much like many of you fellas, my girl was my WCW long before I could call her my girl. When I first started in radio I told my friends that I was gonna marry her one day. LOL they all thought I was crazy. I said I was gonna manage a radio station one day. A lot of people thought I was crazy, but not her, and here I am. Get you a girl that makes you believe in yourself.