The New Teen Driver’s License Journey: Challenges And Changes Explored
Awww a rite of passage indeed. Who remembers getting your driver's license and being able to hit the road 'parent-free' for the first time? That is one life event that we all remember our first time. I remember when I turned 16 I couldn't wait to get my permit and take the course to become a licensed driver so I didn't have to rely on mom, dad, or anyone else to have to drive me around everywhere.
If you are the parent of a teen looking forward to becoming a licensed driver, as the mother of a teen who just got his driver's license not too long ago, it is no longer an easy task.
To get my license back in the day, I distinctly remember taking a driver's ed course through the school, getting my permit, then driving in the little car marked STUDENT DRIVER with an instructor before taking my final driver's test with said instructor and getting my license!
Well unfortunately it is not nearly that simple anymore. I do not, let me repeat, do NOT like the new system. The entire process is now self-taught. My teen literally downloaded an app on his phone and went through 12 different courses that he more than likely paid no attention to, and now just to get his permit, I have to provide all sorts of proof of identification, that of my ancestors, a blood sample, my right arm and possibly a lock of hair just to get that permit.
Our next step is to complete a parent-taught driving worksheet and log the daytime and nighttime hours that my kiddo drove with me. Great idea state of Texas, because I'm sure kids don't fudge that sheet at all!
It actually terrifies me that there are 16-year-olds on the road who faked their way through the entire course and are now inexperienced drivers because someone thought it would be a good idea to change the old way of doing things.
Who's to say some of these poor kids weren't pushed on their older siblings to be taught because mom and dad didn't have the time or didn't feel like messing with teaching their son or daughter the proper way to drive? They should never have changed things IMO. Smh.