So there is a reason I quit making New Years resolutions years ago. Because I don't keep them. I'm the worst at saying I'm going to do something and not doing it. It's like my brain says, do the opposite, do the opposite. Therefore, instead of resolutions I 'challenge' myself. I have to call it something different to psych myself out. Weird I know. But it tends to work for me.
What makes you happy? Have you been asked that before? Many of us have. Maybe by a parent, a family member, a therapist, a boss at some point in time? Since it is the beginning of a new year, maybe it is time to reevaluate. We should probably do this every year because the answer(s) may change. I will start my list, in no particular order and I encourage you to do the same...
Happy New Year everyone! Out with the old, in with the new for 2021 right? What is something that you do every year, at the beginning of the year, to ensure that you will have a good year? In my family, we grew up believing that if we eat our black eyed peas every January 1st, we would have good luck for the rest of the year...
January 21 2019. 21 days into the new year, if you are a 'resolution maker,' are you still going strong or have you broken them? They say that many people break the resolutions they made by the beginning of February....
Who needs resolutions when you have temptations like this? lol I walked into the break room and boom these are staring me in the face! I don't know if one of my coworkers emptied out their pantry or someone was just being sweet and brought sweets?
It's that time of year again. A toast to all the New Year's resolutions we will be making. Do you make a list? Is it the typical weight loss, look for a new job, self improvement resolutions? Or more importantly do you keep them?