Even though we have your chance to win cash right now on the radio, there's another entity that may have some cash for you as well: The State Of Texas!
By now I'm sure you have had your temperature taken plenty of times with the 'temp gun.' I had this one done recently at a Dr's office and I have to say this one impressed me more than any other I've seen. It is actually the size of an Ipad, in case it looks smaller in the photo.
File this in the 'hell yeah' category for me! Stepped into a Dr's office recently and saw this beautiful scene. As a mom, I have to say offices with a little 'play area' like this for kids saved me countless times.
Have you ever seen anything as nasty as our office fridge in your life? What is it with the refrigerator in the breakroom at work that makes us think we don't have to get rid of our old stuff? lol
This is how you do a milestone birthday! A coworker that we've worked with for years turned FIFTY on Monday and we had so much fun decorating his office! Basically it becomes how messy can we make it? Streamers, 'Holy crap you're old signs,' balloons, cute, little 'I'm 50' decorations.
Can I file this in the why-didn't-I-think-of-this folder? Wow. Took my 8 year old to the doctor today, went to the ladies room and discovered this fabulous new invention! Hand soap+sink+hand dryer all in one!
I would hardly call what we have done in our building today, work! We already have tons of fun here at our 'radio ranch' but throw April Fool's Day in the mix and anything can happen.