
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
I am on a roll today! Giving you tips on what not to do in certain situations. How not to get your iPhone stolen and now what not to do at the grocery store. FYI, yes I am speaking from experience. I did both of these things recently and learned a couple of hard lessons in the process.
Is There A Shortage Of This Popular Chip?
Is There A Shortage Of This Popular Chip?
Is There A Shortage Of This Popular Chip?
It literally boggles my mind some of the shortages we have dealt with in the last 2 years. Truly some of them make more sense than others. Toilet paper I get, canned goods last year made sense, we loaded up prepared for the unknown. Several other items that I'm sure you noticed have been missing from grocery store shelves that you wait awhile and they eventually get restocked but there is one that
I Have A Rant And A Rave About This When I’m Shopping
I Have A Rant And A Rave About This When I’m Shopping
I Have A Rant And A Rave About This When I’m Shopping
Can I take a minute to rant AND rave about something that I deal with almost everyday? I promise you will be able to relate. Think about often do you go to a store, be it retail or grocery and you get asked once you are done paying for your items, 'are you part of our rewards program?' I am all about a rewards program. Let me correct that. I'm all in as long as it is worth the time it ta
I Finally Tried What Everyone Has Been Doing
I Finally Tried What Everyone Has Been Doing
I Finally Tried What Everyone Has Been Doing
I did it! I finally gave it a shot. The order online pick up curbside thing that everyone has been doing for a very long time. lol I have a friend who literally does ALL of her shopping this way and she has been telling me this is the way to go. I thought nah it's not for me.
What Is Going On Here?
What Is Going On Here?
What Is Going On Here?
What is with me and crazy things I encounter while shopping lately? A late night trip to the grocery store was not so productive for me earlier this week. I typically do my grocery shopping during the day, so this tripped me out. I have so many questions?