Super Soft Birthday PartySuper Soft Birthday PartyMy friends tell me I had a good time.Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
I Let My Wife Plan My B Day Party...Mistake.I Let My Wife Plan My B Day Party...Mistake.FML...Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
The Ultimate Question!The Ultimate Question!Let's finally put this argument to rest.Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
My Fav Burger Place Just Re-Opened!My Fav Burger Place Just Re-Opened!My Fav Burger Place Just Re-Opened!Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
Just My Opinion on Gun Laws.Just My Opinion on Gun Laws.What do you think?Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
Equifax Owes You $125 and Here's How to Claim It.Equifax Owes You $125 and Here's How to Claim It.Feel free to share with your friends.Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
You Phone Recognizes What It's Looking At.You Phone Recognizes What It's Looking At.just a bit creepy.Chris BrizzownChris Brizzown
Funniest Spice Company Ever!Funniest Spice Company Ever!Let me zoom in so you can seeChris BrizzownChris Brizzown