Spooky Season Is Here! 5 Ways To Have A Safe Fun Halloween In Texas!
Want Halloween tips from a mom of 3? I've done the Halloween thing for quite some time now. I know a thing or 2 and believe me, I'm still learning year after year. I do things quite differently from my firstborn to my now 10-year-old. With my firstborn I stressed over everything and worried about every single detail right down to mapping out where we would trick or treat on Halloween, these days, not so much.
1. HOMEMADE COSTUMES ARE JUST AS GOOD AS STOREBOUGHT! These days it's not unusual for me to get some ideas from Pinterest and wing it.
2. IF YOU OPT FOR STORE BOUGHT, I DO NOT RECOMMEND SPENDING ALOT OF MONEY-I cannot tell you how many costumes tore within an hour of trick or treating because let's be real, these days, costumes are so cheaply made.
3. IF YOU DO PURCHASE A COSTUME-SAVE IT for the next year for a younger sibling to use or keep every single part of the costume together and sell it. May as well make a little money off of something used ONE time for a few hours
4. ASK AHEAD OF TIME WHICH OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS WILL BE PASSING OUT CANDY-half the time kids don't know the difference and don't keep count. You can get away with hitting up 4 or 5 houses of people you know and be done for the night. Kids get a bucket full of candy and a lifetime of memories.
4. FIND OUT IF YOUR CHURCH OR YOUR LITTLE ONE'S SCHOOL has a trunk-or-treat. Let your children help out at the event or better yet just plan to stay there the entire time with kids their age. Its a win-win for parents and the kids.
Be safe, have fun, make memories! It all goes by so fast. I have one left to experience this with, I'm cherishing every moment.
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Gallery Credit: Leo

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