New Girl Scout Cookie Flavor For 2023 And How To Get Your Hands On A Box!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! No, I'm not still singing Christmas carols, it really is the most wonderful time of the year, why? Because it is Girl Scout Cookie time! Time for those adorable little Girl Scouts to hit the streets of the 432, selling their delicious cookies.
Little known fact, your girl used to be a Girl Scout. Yep, yours truly, Ms. Cruz was the cookie plug in the neighborhood. I would literally go door to door to all of the neighbors and sell the heck out of the thin mints, the caramel delights, the peanut butter sandwich cookie.
And they loved me. The neighbors were ready. 3 boxes of this and 4 of that, maybe throw in 1 more for good measure. So are you still supporting your local Girl Scouts? I certainly hope so! So let's see, must investigate to find out if there is a new flavor this year.
As a matter of fact, there is. The new Girl Scout Cookie flavor for 2023 is, raspberry rally! Did you hear my drum roll? Don't those sound good? To me they look similar to the thin mints but with a raspberry filling. However, one catch, these will be for sale through online sales only and won't be available for purchase until February 27th.
Until then, you can still purchase old favorites from your favorite Girl Scout.
*Girl Scout S'mores
*Thin Mints
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